Say Goodbye to Slow WordPress Hosting

Tired of a slow WordPress site due to web hosting that isn’t built to handle WordPress?

  • We Power WP WordPress Hosting is fast and WordPress-specific!
  • Looking for an alternative WordPress Host? We can help!
  • We can recommend a proper WordPress Hosting provider and move your site!

Are you experiencing the following with your Web Hosting or WordPress Hosting Provider?


Does your WordPress site frequently go down? Or do you receive 503 errors?

Slow Loading Times

Your WordPress has slowed down; accessing the admin backend and customer checkouts is slow.

WordPress Errors

Your WordPress site doesn’t load or has random error messages.

Introducing We Power WP, the ultimate solution to slow WordPress Hosting.

We Power WP provides lightning-fast WordPress hosting and care plans that guarantee optimal website performance.

Our plans include monitoring, updates, security plugin setup, and discounted hourly rates, our optimized WP hosting, enhanced Cloudflare configuration and shared resources guarantee top-notch website performance.

Weekly Theme Updates

Updating WordPress Themes promptly. For commonly used plugins, we always keep our ears to the ground to make sure any updates doesn’t introduce critical issues or changes.

Weekly Plugin Updates

Updating WordPress Plugins promptly. For significant plugins such as WooCommerce, we wait until the community hasn’t reported any critical issues. Keeping our ears to the ground.

Weekly WordPress Updates

Updating WordPress Core promptly. We don’t upgrade right away; instead, we wait until the community hasn’t reported any critical issues. Keeping our ears to the ground.

Daily Cloud Backups

Daily offsite backups are completed on your site and available when your hosting providers backups aren’t.

Monthly Reports

Proof that stuff is getting done.
Coming in Q3

Free Site Migration

From any host to our Optimized WordPress Hosting.

Support Portal

Submit requests for help through our online portal. View your current open and previously closed support requests.

Discounted Hourly Rate

Additional support and service requests for a low rate of $80/hr CAD

Premium Plugins

Access to our library of premium plugins at no extra cost.

Enhanced Email Delivery

Utilizing the transactional email provider Postmark, email delivery is fast and lands in inboxes worldwide.

Pre-emptive Error Monitoring

Don’t wait until your customers tell you about an issue on your site. Know when an error occurs, and rest assured our team will investigate and provide a root cause analysis.

How it works

We make it a point to ensure that our process is simple for you and your clients. Just onboard, and everything else flows.

Step 1 – Purchase a Hosting + Care Plan

You or your Client sign up for a Hosting + Care Plan bundle based on your current WordPress or WooCommerce site needs.

If you need help, you can always book a 15-minute free consultation.

Step 2 – We’ll handle the rest.

If you already use Cloudflare, skip step #1 and invite our team.

  1. Provide login access to the existing web hosting and domain name to change name servers.
  2. We will set up Cloudflare with our custom configuration and ensure all DNS records, including email records, will be moved.
  3. You will maintain access to Cloudflare and have your own login.
  4. We will migrate your website into the We Power WP Hosting account.
  5. You’ll be provided with a temporary URL to test and once confirmed your site will be pushed lived on We Power WP Hosting!

Step 3 – Everyone is happy

You’ll now enjoy your WordPress site on the fast We Power WP WordPress hosting infrastructure!

Hosting + Care Plan Pricing

Below are our WordPress and WooCommerce support plans; they’re monthly commitments that automatically renew. Our plans start at just $29/month, including monitoring, plugin updates, security plugin setup, and discounted hourly rates. You can choose to stop the automatic renewal at any time.

We highly recommend our Basic + Host plan for new websites for the first year!

Page + Host

Landing Page WordPress Sites.


Suggested Retail: $60/mo

If you need a landing page for your website.

Basic Support

Basic Monitoring

Plugin Updates

Security Plugin Setup

Enhanced Cloudflare WAF Rules

Discounted Hourly Rates

Optimized WP Hosting

Free Migration

Shared resources

Regular processor server

2GB SSD storage

500GB traffic

Basic + Host

Small WordPress Sites


Suggested Retail: $99/mo

Small WordPress Sites with a couple of pages.

Basic Support

Basic Monitoring

Plugin Updates

Security Plugin Setup

Enhanced Cloudflare WAF Rules

Discounted Hourly Rates

Optimized WP Hosting

Free Migration

Shared resources

Regular processor server

10GB SSD storage

1TB traffic

Core + Host

Medium-Sized WordPress Site.


Suggested Retail: $199/mo

Ideal for medium-sized WordPress sites or WordPress sites that have a large amount of blog posts.

Core Care Plan

Basic Monitoring

Plugin Updates

Offsite Backups

Security Setup and Monitoring

Dedicated Support Time (1 hr/mo)

Discounted Hourly Rates

Premium Licenses

Postmark Enhanced Email Delivery

Enhanced Cloudflare WAF Rules

Optimized WP Hosting

Free Migration

Shared Instance

High-frequency processor

10GB SSD storage

1TB traffic


Looking for a bigger plan?

Do the plans above not fit your current WordPress site. View all our Hosting and Care plans.

Need a Custom Plan?

Are the above plans not a right fit? Are you looking for a specific feature unavailable on the plan you want?

Migrating to an Alternative WordPress Hosting Provider

If you already have a Care Plan but want to migrate your site to a specific WordPress Hosting provider, we can move your website to the providers below for an additional fee.

Recommended WordPress Hosting Provider

If you’re looking for an alternative to our WordPress Hosting at We Power WP, our Care Plans work with the following recommended WordPress hosting providers.

Siteground is a great platform for small business WordPress sites.

SiteGround WordPress Hosting (Affiliate Link)

Namecheap is another great company for small business WordPress sites and is affordable.

NameCheap WordPress Hosting (Affiliate Link)

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ll ask you to send over your credentials after the initial sign-up process. You’ll receive an email with instructions on how this will be done securely.

Once you sign up, we’ll have your plan set up within 24-48 hours. Everything from speed improvements to security optimization will be addressed by our team automatically.

We’ll send you a series of introductory emails detailing how to effectively submit requests, the best screen capture tools and other ways to get the most value out of your plan.

Websites with advanced functionality like this require our Advanced Plan. They take more resources for us to manage, so making sure you’re on the right plan means we’ll be able to dedicate what’s needed to keep your website secure, fast and running smoothly.

We’ll work with anybody regardless of their hosting provider. We understand that different websites have different needs and that people have realistic budgets that they have to meet. We provide fully managed shared hosting services for each site, so hosting is never an issue.

This is a direct quote from a client, and it’s a valid question.

We believe WordPress core and plugin updates are necessary. However, in rare circumstances, updates can be delayed but never skipped or ignored.

As with any software, updates include new features, bug fixes, and security patches. If you don’t update, issues might arise.

  1. It’s more likely that your site will be hacked. It might not be tomorrow or next month, but it will happen at some point.
  2. Some functions might stop working. Updates will include changes to ensure your website continues to function properly
  3. Supporting new versions of PHP. WordPress runs on PHP, and newer versions are being pushed faster than before. You might not need to upgrade for 2 years, not its every 6 months.

A WordPress care plan aims to update plugins on a recurring schedule, typically weekly. Problematic updates are noted and held back until resolved. Updating plugins frequently leaves less of a gap between updates to potentially cause an issue.

We care for many WordPress sites and are active in the WordPress community. Therefore, we have an ear on the ground, are alerted when a plugin update has issues, and hold off on updating it.

The same applies to security updates, we will know quickly about the affected plugin and force updates immediately.

Let’s work together

We’d love to hear from you! Send us a message using the form below, or email us at [email protected]

See what we’re made of…

Uncertain? We’ll provide you with a 15-day free trial of our services free of charge. Please contact us directly for more information.

Do you run an agency?

Are you an agency? Are you managing multiple clients’ websites on your own? We have special agency pricing available. Please contact us directly for more information.

Not quite ready?

Hey, we get it, our plans are not for everyone. That’s why we offer an affiliate program where you’ll earn $50 per referral. No minimum of referrals is required. When your referral pays, you’ll get your referral credit! Please contact us directly for more information on our affiliate program.

Option 1: Purchase a Care Plan

Purchase a Care Plan or Care Plan + Hosting Bundle above.

Option 2: Book a Free Consultation

Option 3: Fill out the form below

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